8 March 2012

Mango and Lime Curd

This is something i came up with for the chocolate tart recipe, but could be used in many other things and should last a few months.

2 large mangoes * 2 limes * 150g caster sugar * 3 eggs * 2 egg yolks * 110g butter

Makes 4 jars

 Peel, stone and roughly chop the mangoes. Puree in a blender with the lime juice until smooth then mix in the sugar. Beat the eggs and extra yolks in a large glass bowl then mix in the puree.

Place over a pan of boiling water and heat while constantly mixing. The curd should thicken after about 25min when the mixture reaches 77oC. Take off the heat and add the butter in cubes, still mixing the curd. Fill about 4 clean ~180ml jars with the curd and leave to cool.

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