24 August 2012

Earl Grey and Raisin Cupcakes with Orange Icing

Ok so there's been a slight gap between posts here.  I have had to deal with an oven dying during this time but this doesn't excuse the other slackness.  There has been plenty of baking since then and i have had a couple of recipes written up for a while.  Though there has been a gap between baking and writing recipes so i hope i have remembered them well enough... This first one is a nice light cupcake with a lovely clean orange icing but you could use a buttercream icing that would work just as well.

175g butter * 175g caster sugar * 3 med eggs * zest 1 orange * ¼tsp vanilla * 150g raisins * 1 cup strong earl grey * 175g SR flour
juice 1 orange * 200g icing sugar

Makes 16-20

Soak the raisins in the tea for at least a few hours and preferably overnight.

Cream the butter and sugar together until pale. Individually beat in the eggs along with the vanilla and finely chopped zest. Drain then mix in the raisins and fold in the flour. Place about 1tbsp of the mix into cupcake cases and bake for 15min at 180oC.

Make the icing by mixing the orange juice in with the sugar to make a slightly runny paste. Once the cupcakes have cooled, ice with about a tsp of the mix.

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